Sushi Restaurant
I had lunch with my colleague yesterday at a sushi restaurant.
Although he is my colleague, he is sixty years old and he has experienced a lot of things at school as a teacher.
He and I used to work for the same junior high school during the school year 2018, but we are going to work at different schools in 2019.
He kindly invited me to lunch and we enjoyed talking and eating delicious sushi.
The most impressive advice from him was to find a thing which you can really focus on.
I still haven’t found the thing which I energetically work on.
I will make my clear resolution as soon as possible, and put in the effort to make it come true.
New Job
I have gotten a new job as an assistant teacher at an elementary school.
The school is not that far from here so I can commute there from my current place, although I may move to another place after a month which is more convenient to live at.
The new school year will be an important year for me to step up my new career, because the job is one year contract and working as an assistant is not my dream job.
First and foremost, my dream is to live in a foreign country regardless of the length of period.
My ideal life style is to live in Japan for six months and live abroad for another six months in a year.
The only solution to achieve the life is to start my own business which allows me to work anywhere.
I will collect more information to get closer to my dream life.
Interview in Fukuoka
I went to Fukuoka Prefecture yesterday and came back here today after staying overnight at a hotel in Hakata.
The purpose to visit there was to have a
job interview.
However, I got a phone call from the Board
of Education in this prefecture and they introduced me a similar job which I
was applying for in Fukuoka.
Therefore, I withdrew the job in
Fukuoka before receiving the result.
Last night, I roamed around the central
part in Fukuoka by bicycle and visited some restaurants where one of my friends
recommended me.
Unlike my current life in nature, there are
many entertainments in urban cities which can your life more interesting .
It is a good refreshing to visit such
cities to see and experience many things.
Job Interview in Fukuoka
I had a job interview yesterday at a city hall in this prefecture.
The interviewer is going to call me today and he will tell me the result.
If I pass the interview, I will be supposed to work at some elementary school as an assistant teacher.
The job includes many tasks besides teaching English, so I am not that excited about the job.
By the way, I am going to Fukuoka this afternoon to take another interview.
The job is English teaching job in elementary schools.
The role doesn’t include class management and teaching other subjects, so you can focus on teaching English only.
Going to Fukuoka from here is very far and expensive, so I hope to pass the interview.
My Ideal Life
When I think about my ideal life, being able to go to a gym, to read books, to go on a trip on weekends are requirements to be fulfilled.
If I can live my life following these protocols, I can say that my life is going to be great.
However if I were to work as a full-time teacher, it would make my plan impossible to achieve because teachers have to work till late every day and have to go to school even on weekends to join a club activity.
This is why I don’t want to be a fulltime teacher.
I hope to find a reasonable job for the next school year.
Finding a New Job
Yesterday, I started looking for a new job for the next fiscal year.
My ideal job is the one which requires me to use English and enables me to work with foreigners.
I found two suitable jobs - a translation job and a secretarial job.
The workplace is far from here though, so it is necessary to relocate.
Once I receive a notice of a personal interview, I will reserve a bus or plane ticket to get there.
Today, I will go to a public employment office to get more information.
I hope to find the right one near here.
New Jobs
I was looking for a new job yesterday for the next school year.
I have gotten 945 in TOEIC so I want to work for an office which evaluate my English ability correctly.
To work as an English teacher at schools, it is not required to have a good English ability.
If one has a teaching license, anybody can work as a teacher regardless of their English level.
This is one of the reasons why I quit my job.
There are many offices which are looking for people who have high scores in TOEIC.
I applied to two offices yesterday so I am waiting for their replies.
Once I receive a message from them, I will prepare for the interviews.
Final Day
It was the last day for me to go to the school.
I attended the farewell ceremony with other teachers who will leave the school.
I also gave a message sheet to each student in our homeroom.
There aren’t any plans yet for the next school year so I need to look for a job quickly in order to start working from the beginning of April.
The students in the homeroom also gave me a book which is filled with messages from them.
What I need to do from now on is to get a job, to decide a place to live, fill up documents about my address in the city office, and so on.
I will get these things done as soon as possible to prepare for the next school year.
The End of The School Year
Today is the last day for the school year 2018-2019 and there will be a completion ceremony to be held at the gym.
I am not sure if I will continue to work for the next school year, so it may be my last chance to meet my students.
Yesterday, I prepared messages for each student and put each sheet in an envelop.
It took about ten hours to compose each sentence and write them on.
To be honest, I realized that teaching English is not my main role in school.
There are still many jobs I have to do.
I want to focus on improving my English skills so I might choose a different field for my job in the coming fiscal year.
I talked about our names with an ALT in our school yesterday.
My favorite Western country name is Gabriella because of its sound.
He said he liked Saori for a girl’s name and Tsukasa for a boy’s name, although Tsukasa can be a name for a girl, too.
He told me that a name in English can sometimes be changed into a Spanish version, such as from Joseph to Jose.
I think our Japanese names won’t change except for in the Chinese language.
They use kanji characters, so our names can be read in Chinese.
I want to find out more interesting names through watching foreign dramas and reading books.
Two More Days
We have two more days to go until the end of this school year.
Our English lessons were over yesterday and we are going to move the furniture to a new classroom today.
This Thursday is a public holiday and the completion ceremony will be held this Friday.
I'm not sure if I still want to work for the current school next year, so I need to look for another job.
So far, I have taken several job interviews but I still haven’t gotten any offers.
Therefore, I will have to focus on job hunting more seriously.
I will search more job information.
Working as A Teacher
I hanged out with my friends last Saturday and Sunday.
At that time, I didn’t need to be a teacher.
That means I could be just the way I was.
However, at the school, it is required to be a teacher in order to educate the students.
Behaving as a teacher is different from the way I am outside school.
This is because I feel stressed during work, but it cannot be helped to earn money.
If possible, I want to start my own business which enables me to do anything in my own way.
When I take a look at the point, working at school may not a good option.
Art Director
I attended a lecture presented by an art director of the art festival in our prefecture which is going to be held this year.
The festival is held once in three years
and many people visit this prefecture to join the festival.
My impression on the director was a very
smart man who knows not only art but also history, education, geography, and so
Also, I thought that he is very strict to time.
He stopped his lecture on time without any
I want to be such a person who can
entertain people with words.
Seeing skillful people always gives me some
good influence.
Wedding Ceremony
I attended my friend's wedding ceremony yesterday.
The ceremony was held in a big space of a famous art museum.
Not only the participants of the wedding but also the visitors to the museum could also see the bride and gloom.
And then, we move to a hotel for wedding reception and enjoyed delicious food and several programs such as dancing, watching videos, and speeches.
The third party was held in a different bar starting from 9:45 p.m.
He and I belonged to the same tennis team in a college.
There are seven members in the same year in the team and five out of seven got married already.
I am in the rest of two.
I don't think I want to get married now, but attending my friends' wedding is always fun.
Graduation Ceremony
There was held our graduation ceremony in the school yesterday.
It was the last day for the third year
students to come to the school.
First and second year students also have more four days to come to school.
I don’t have any plans to work for the
school next year, so there will be only one week left to work there.
What I need to do is to look for a job for
the next school year.
If there are job vacancies at school in
this prefecture, I will work for the school.
If not, I will try to get a job in another
I hope to be get a reasonable job for me.
Job in Osaka
I applied for an English teaching job in Osaka.
The job is not full time but part time.
I work at a school for nine hours on weekdays now.
The contract of the job in Osaka says that it is a six-hour job, but the salary is as much as I earn now.
I don’t want to work as a full time teacher because there are countless of work to do such as club activities, grading, and managing the classroom.
If I pass the interview, I will work in Osaka starting from April.
Living in an urban city is one of my dream, so I will do my best in the interview.
Plan for The Next Year
11 months have passed since I started to work for the current junior high school.
When I looked back this year, I cannot say
I have grown up a lot.
My English skills have improved, but the
speed of improvement is slow compared to the days when I was in a university.
Visiting a foreign county was not also
achieved because of my less savings.
Continuing current job is not in my plan
because the salary is low and taking time to study is difficult.
For the next school year, I am planning to
get a more short-hour job to keep time for studying.
Although the salary decreases, my first
priority is improving my skills of English and some other.
I will look for a reasonable job as soon as
Ideal Life
When I think about my ideal life, earning a lot of money on my own business and having a girlfriend are necessary.
If these two things are accomplished, I can live my life much happier than I am now.
Currently, I haven't achieved neither goals yet; my salary is not enough to have a girlfriend.
As long as I continue this lifestyle, happy life will not come to my side.
What I need to do is to study English more and to start my own Internet business.
I will make my dream come true by doing these things within a few year.
Eight years have passed since the Great East Earthquake occurred in 2011.
I was still a college student then but I clearly remember how people were in panic on March 11th of that year.
Yesterday, at 2:46 p.m., the exact time when the earthquake struck, we offered a moment of silence for the victims.
I lived far from Tohoku Region so we were spared from any damage.
The live news of tsunami were really horrifying because many houses and commercial establishments were engulfed by the surge of strong ocean waves.
The disaster taught us many valuable lessons.
We now make sure we have food and water at home for use in case of emergency.
Historically, earthquakes often occur in Japan and experience taught us to be prepared for disasters such as this as well as to be resilient.
And we need to know that earthquakes can happen at any time in any place without warning.
Bus Tour
I joined a bus tour which was held by the city office last March 10.
It was attended by 13 males and 15 females.
We were accompanied by some city office staff to Kobe City.
After visiting several sightseeing spots, we went to a buffet style restaurant.
One hour was allocated for free time and then we went back to this city.
The purpose of the tour was to make new acquaintances and hopefully find a partner.
Unfortunately, I don't think that I will have a chance to meet with them again.
Finding a partner is not easy and I believe that I need more time to find one.
Brass Band Performance
I went to see a brass band concert yesterday.
It was so fantastic that I was into all of the songs.
The Japanese professional band perform on stage around Japan and they came to this prefecture yesterday.
All of the songs which were played yesterday were from Disney.
Unlike listening to the songs through speaker, the live performance was more breathtaking.
90% of the audience were women and most of them were girl groups, couples, or parents and their children.
I went there alone, so I wish I could join such an event with a girlfriend some day.
Happy Weekend
I have two fun things this weekend.
First, I will go and see a brass band
concert this afternoon.
The professional band are supposed to play
Disney songs which I like.
Second, I will attend a bus tour which is
held by the city government.
Going to Kobe is for the first time in five
By the way, the temperature in Japan is
gradually getting warmer, so I am going to buy clothes for spring this
Unlike clothes for winter, many blight
color shirts come into shops, so I am looking forward to checking them.
I want to enjoy both of them and I will go
back to work with a refreshed mind next Monday.
I applied for a service which looks for successors of business.
In our prefecture, many companies stop
their business due to having no successors.
The public office in our prefecture is
recruiting companies which face the problem and people who want to be a
A public servant will make a contact with
me in a few days and we will talk about whether there are any companies which I
can work for.
I would like to own my business in the
future, so this service is very reasonable for me.
I wish I could fulfill requirements for a
Department Store
Department stores are cutting spaces for women’s apparel to give way for cosmetics and jewelries which sell well to foreign customers.
The space can also be used for a yoga studio or a café because Japanese women are becoming more health conscious nowadays.
With the popularity of online shopping more and more people buy not only clothes but also necessities online.
I must admit, I'm one of them.
In my opinion, it is not so easy for companies and stores to keep up with the latest trends in fashion and the constant changes in customers fashion styles.
I also need to change my style to become a useful person for our society.
Jobs in A Foreign Country
I am looking for a new job for the next school year.
I registered my information on Job Street.com and I got some invitations.
Working in a foreign country is my dream, so I want to pursue it if I get any chance.
Living in a foreign country and visiting the country are completely different and the salary I will get overseas may be less than the one I get now.
In spite of these things, but I want to work at a more challenging environment.
Working among Japanese people don’t give me any excitement.
I hope I will get a nice job within a month.
Bus Trip to Kobe
I am going to join a bus tour to Kobe this Sunday which is sponsored by the city government.
It'll take about three hours by bus from this city.
The purpose of this tour is to encourage couples, among the participants, to live in this city.
More and more young people are leaving this city and the ratio of elderly people is increasing.
I am not sure how many men and women are going to join.
But according to the flyer, there will be at least twelve of each.
Although we have to pay for a certain fee to join, it is much reasonable compared to going there on our own.
I hope I can meet and gain new friends on this trip.
English Speaking Ability
I recently feel that being able to speak English won’t be an advantage in business.
Needless to say, the ability is useful, but
you need to have some other skills to be a valuable person such as IT,
engineering, and mathematics.
English cannot be an outstanding skill but
a tool for communication.
You can become an English teacher if you
have a teaching certificate, but I think teaching jobs should be kept for my
latter life after experiencing many things.
If I were a student, I would like to join a
lesson conducted by a teacher who experienced many things outside school and
who can talk something interesting based on his experiences.
I will look for a next job with a broader
mind without being bound by English.
Robots in Farm
According to an article in the Washington Post, technology for agriculture is increasing rapidly and machines can harvest vegetables and fruits without hurting them.
Because of strict immigrant regulations under the Trump administration, it is becoming difficult to hire seasonal workers from Mexico.
Also, the article said “Americans are getting lazy and choosy so they are unwilling to work in a farm all day.”
Latest technology can cause lay offs of personnel in the future especially if the machines would prove to be effective and cost efficient.
I wonder if I can accept these dramatic changes in our daily lives by machines that will happen in the near future.
Full House
I recently watch an American sitcom “Full House” on Netflix.
The series started in 1987, before I was born, but the stories haven’t lost their relevance.
Its lines consist of simple English expressions, although they sometimes contain American jokes which are difficult to understand for foreigners.
The sitcom reminds me of the importance of talking with people directly when they face difficult situations.
For example, Mr. Tanner, the father of the family, lost his wife because of a car accident, but later, he found a nice lady who became his new love interest.
At that time, he had a family meeting to discuss his future with his daughters and relatives.
It may sound normal, but it reminds of the importance of discussing big decisions with family.
I hope to be able to learn other things from the sitcom as I continue to watch it.
Bus Tour
I am going to attend a bus tour in Kobe on March 10th.
The tour will be held by the Marugame city to promote for young people to settle in this city.
The participants are required to be a single male or female.
At least 12 male and female are going to join the tour.
It usually costs a lot to go to Kobe from this city, but the fee of the tour is reasonable.
Thanks to the support of the city office.
Visiting a famous shrine and sightseeing spots is included in the itinerary.
I hope to make friends with both male and female participants.
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New Blog Website
I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/
Since I was a university student, I have admired foreigners who work in Japan. For foreigners, living in Japan is not so easy because of t...
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For the first time in my life, I went to a matchmaking agency yesterday. I don't have plans of getting married yet, but I was curious a...