
New Job

I have gotten a new job as an assistant teacher at an elementary school.
The school is not that far from here so I can commute there from my current place, although I may move to another place after a month which is more convenient to live at.
The new school year will be an important year for me to step up my new career, because the job is one year contract and working as an assistant is not my dream job.
First and foremost, my dream is to live in a foreign country regardless of the length of period.
My ideal life style is to live in Japan for six months and live abroad for another six months in a year.
The only solution to achieve the life is to start my own business which allows me to work anywhere.
I will collect more information to get closer to my dream life.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/