

Gentleness is a virtue any man would desire to possess. Unfortunately, I think it's something I don't have much of. 
I have yet to increase my knowledge of history, philosophy and the arts. 
Gentlemen are regarded with high esteem. 
They are known to pay attention to people and a help at hand anytime.
My ideal person is Katsumi Kitamura, a Japanese bodybuilder. 
He was a student of the University of Tokyo. 
He has several videos on bodybuilding, where he recorded his training and diet. 
He was very accommodating and always had a ready smile painted on his face. 
Thus he became powerful and influential as many people wanted to emulate him. 
Sadly, he passed away 18 years ago at a very young age of 40. 
I myself am his big fan. 
I would follow him at any event. 
I hope to learn from his video materials how to become a gentleman like him.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/