
Earthquakes in the Philippines

I read a news article about the earthquakes in the Philippines.
A person or anyone would feel scary if strong earthquake tremors occur many times within a couple of days.
There were already casualties due to the earthquake.
Japan has been known to have frequent strong earthquakes so we have been trained to prepare for them by evacuation drills and by each preparing an earthquake kit bag containing, food, water, first aid kit, flashlight and whistle.
But then, even if we have prepared ourselves through drills and the kit, we still feel anxiety everyday.
It is fortunate that there was no tunami alert or no tsunami has happened.
In 2018, typhoons and earthquakes in Japan caused a stoppage on airport operation in Kansai, planes, trains and ship travels.
I pray that such disasters won't happen again and I learned the value of being prepared all the time.

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