
Free Wifi at Mall

I went to a shopping mall last night to study programming at a café. At first, I went to Starbucks, but they had no available electric outlets. There was a big food court near the café and I noticed that electric outlets are available and offers free-wifi. There were seats available and I was able to use my internet even if I didn't order any food. I didn't know that there is such a place that exists which I do not have to order food at all but make use of it for free wi-fi with available outlets to use. If you get hungry, you can buy food and drinks from any other restaurant or convenience store and eat it at the food court. I'll definitely return here and use it to study programming. My website creation is almost done. I can accomplish it within the day.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/