
Inazo Nitobe

Inazo Nitobe is an educator and an author of the book “Bushido”, which talks about the soul of Japan in English. I read his biography yesterday. My first impression of him was he was very diligent and a devout Christian. He studied several subjects such as agriculture, statistics and economics at universities in America and Germany to obtain a Ph. D. He married an American who was from a well-known, rich family lineage, the Elkintons. After returning to Japan, he taught at Hokkaido University and also established his own school for kids where the students can learn for free. I haven’t thought about religions seriously so far but I've come to believe certain religions can be helpful to have a good foundation for forming one's character. I will read more books especially on religions to know more ideas about life.

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I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/