
Living at Two Locations

When I think about a good relationship, not being too close is very important to keep a positive relationship. Honestly, I don’t live in the same house all the time even with my love ones. Although I don’t have a girlfriend now, I’ll take some distance with my future partner to enjoy each life by ourselves. My ideal lifestyle is to work in Tokyo for three or four days in a week and go back to my partner’s place for the rest of the week. When it comes to programming jobs, there are more job openings in Tokyo and the salaries are better than the ones in rural areas. If I can live at two locations at the same time, I can make money and keep a good relationship with my partner by making time not to be with her. I hope to make this lifestyle within two years.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/