

I had a very exciting dream while taking a nap yesterday. I was in some English speaking country. Everything I experienced, for example, living in a foreign country, was new to me. I was supposed to join a live performance of a band as a performer but a stupid person had a wrong phone call to me to wake me up. I was not able to see what was going to happen next, but the whole experience was very fun for me.

I guess the reason why I had such a dream was I checked some job openings working in the Philippines. There were translating jobs and secretary jobs for Japanese people in Manila and Cebu. If we lived our normal lives without any influences of the coronavirus, I would definitely apply for one of them. But when I checked the current situations of these big cities, I thought I should not apply for them for now. Japan also has more confirmed cases day by day, so going to a foreign country is very difficult at this moment. But I will not give up living abroad in the near future.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/