
Teacher's Roles

Online learning and teaching is getting more common these days. Because of the coronavirus outbreak, schools in many parts of Japan are closed and the students are required to stay at home. Some schools provide online lessons via internet but others use online learning services provided by private companies. The services enable the students to study at their own pace. The students can tackle to questions at their own pace and its AI technology provides suitable questions for each students depending on the degree of their understanding. It is getting more realistic and convenient that students do not have to go to school earlier to study by themselves. Temporarily, teachers at school will have less role and interactions with their students. I can foresee that this might continue on in the future if the condition goes back to normal operations on all businesses and schools. This is why I am looking for an IT engineering job to acquire new skills. I hope to get a job soon.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/