
Making My Design Using Photoshop

It was a holiday in Japan yesterday with bright sunny weather, but I stayed almost all day to do my assignment in an online school. The task I did yesterday was to make a web design using Photoshop for my original website. The last assignment in the curriculum was to make my original website from making the concept of coding. The steps for the assignment are the following: firstly I have to make a concept for the website. Secondly, I need finalize the pages for my website. Thirdly, I need to create the design using Photoshop. Lastly, I need to encode for me to complete the website. The concept of my website was a house cleaning service for college boys. It took more than seven hours to make the design in Photoshop. Thankfully, I passed the review for my design by my mentor, and now I can start coding this evening. I want to finish the website within this month.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/