
Sports Tournaments

I went to see several sports tournaments yesterday such as kendo, basketball, tennis, and volleyball.
Soccer, baseball, and table tennis tournaments were also held.
During the three consecutive day-offs, these sports competitions are being held at different places in our city.
The winners in each competition can proceed to the prefectural competition.
Junior high school teachers organize these competitions and they play the role of referees as well.
I enjoyed seeing the students’ different sides when they are outside classroom.
At the same time, I felt that the teachers have to do a lot of work.
They are required to work even on day-offs with little salary.
Since I am a part-time teacher, I don’t belong to any club activities.
I wonder if I can continue the job if I am hired as a full time teacher.
When I think about the time and money, this job doesn't seem to be a good choice.
The teachers who can devote most of their life working in school are better for this job.

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