
Second Term

The summer vacation was over yesterday in Japan.
Some part of the schools already has begun the second term, but today is the first day in our school.
There will be two major events to be held in this semester.
There will be Chorus Competition and On-the-job Training for the students.
We, teachers, are also going to sing two songs regardless of the competition.
As for the training days which will be held in November, the preparations are being done gradually while the school is consulting with the companies.
Unlike the beginning of the first term, I feel less nervous because I am getting used to the culture of the school.
My mission is to accomplish English classes without any mistakes.
In order to make it through, I will prepare for the classes enough to make the students enjoy learning English.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/