
Tour Guide

Today I will be enrolling to a seminar for interpreters to which it will also be our first day for our lesson.
Per our class schedule, we have three consecutive days from today until Monday.
Our prefectural government is recruiting people who can work as a tour guide. 
I was fortunate that my resume was accepted.
After completion of my seminar, I have to take an exam by next month. 
Once I pass it, I can get a license as a tour guide.
I am not sure how many people will participate in this seminar.
Although we need to pay for this seminar, we know that we can get a salary once we get to be hired as a licensed tour guide.
I am looking forward to meeting the participants and make more friends with whom we could study and speak English altogether.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/