
Future Plan

There are about three months left until the end of this school year. I am going to change my job from teaching to programming next April. That is because this job is on demand and I want to catch up to the trends of technology as an engineer. Also, the salary of the job is much better than my current job. There are many job openings in the programming industry, mainly in Tokyo. When I think about starting a new job at the beginning of April, I realize that I don’t have much time to prepare for that new journey. What I have to do is to get a job and decide where to live at in February. March would be allocated for cleaning up my current room and moving to a new room in Tokyo. In order to get a good job, I need to have an appealing portfolio. I have only one month to improve my portfolio because I have to work on my job hunting seriously in February. I’ll spend most of my time during the winter vacation for making an appealing website which can be an advantage for my job hunting.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/