
Experiences in Tokyo

I went to Tokyo from last Saturday to Monday to meet my friend from America.
He has been living in Japan temporarily since June.
We went to an owl café in Akihabara, ate lunch at a famous curry shop, went to a hot spring in Kabuki-cho, visitied the Peanuts Museum, and played with VR games.
The hotel where we stayed was convenient because it was located very close to the nearest station.
I pretended to be a foreigner by speaking English at some places and enjoyed how they reacted.
Unlike my hometown, there were countless of foreigners everywhere in Tokyo.
If we live in a place that requires to speak English more often, students will be encouraged to study English on their own.
I am not sure when I can meet him again, but I will keep in touch with him.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/