
New Job

My current job is on an annual contract basis and since it is ending this coming March, I am starting to look for a new one.
There is a vacancy in a private elementary school in Tokyo and I am planning to send my resume as soon as possible.
The job looks so tempting to me because I would be able to teach English and develop my own modules. 
Besides I won't be doing other tasks just like before.
Once my resume is accepted and reviewed I will go to Tokyo in the middle of September for an interview.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed but if not I have my other options. 
I have been looking for other job openings in other places.
Since I started job hunting I noticed that it is of utmost importance that you have to gather many bits of information about the jobs and companies you are interested in to make a good choice.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/