
Speech for Farewell Ceremony

This was my first time to teach elementary students. A day before my first day of my classes with you in April last year, I was nervous and worried if I can adjust myself to this new environment. Honestly, I still get nervous when I talk with students who I am still not familiar with. However, all throughout the months we have been together, teaching, learning and talking casually with you, I learned to be myself naturally. At first, at the end of the day or when I am at home, I would wonder if I made a remark that I could have offended or hurt anyone of you. But as I see you talking to other students in a happy carefree way, it would cross my mind to think first before I would say anything that might hurt my students. Sometimes, when I am at home, I would reflect what happened that day and then realize that I have said something offensive to a student, I would regret for saying so. I try to make up and change my style in counselling a student to ensure that I will not offend anyone. That I meant well for them and my advise or counselling would be for their own good. I have learned to adjust to this new method where a student will learn to trust me and not be scared or apprehensive if I give them a sound advice. I have learned to be a friend for them rather than a strict teacher. I learned to build your trust and confidence in me.  I learned the importance of "being myself and having fun" teaching you and learning from you. You have been my inspiration and influence in finding my flaws and strength. I thank you all for this wonderful change in me, I pray that you will all have a bright future ahead and continue to be an inspiration and good influence to the younger and future generation.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/