
10 Years from Now

I thought about my future yesterday. “What will I regret not to do in my life after ten years from now?” Now that I’m 31 years old, in ten years, I will be 41. Not to regret my past after ten years, I thought about what I should do from today. First, I should read more books, visit more places, meet more people, and experience new things to increase my knowledge. Second, I should study programming to catch up with the trend of modern society. Third, I should be physically healthy by caring about my diet and doing exercises daily. Fourth, I should find a partner to share my happiness in life. All these four things are the things I can do starting today. I can read books, visit a new place, meet new people, study programming, have daily exercises, eat healthy food, and try to find a partner. In order not to regret my life in ten years when I look back on my past, I will keep doing them day by day.

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New Blog Website

I will be updating my blog on this website. http://yolo-yutaro.com/