

In Japan, the divorcing rate is still very high. Almost 30 percent of couples get divorced every year. I have several single-mother acquaintances. They look very tired because of their jobs, housework, and raising their kids. This situation tells me that there are something wrong in the customs of getting married and having children. I think the main reasons are their income and workload. If parents have time to communicate every day with enough income to enjoy their daily lives, the parents won’t think about divorce. However, if a husband has to work so hard for a not so decent salary, his stress will go up and the relationship will get worst. In order not to pave the sad carrier, my priority is to get a programming job, because the job allows me to get a good salary and to work only shorter days in a week, for example three days or four days, earning enough. After getting the job, I’ll think about having a relationship more seriously.

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