
Documentary on Netflix

There is a Japanese idol group, Arashi. The group is going to be on hiatus starting on December, 2020. I watched a TV ad about Netflix program. The program is a documentary of Arashi. I watched the first episode of it. In the first episode, there were interviews of them and reviews of their songs. They have released more than 400 songs so far. At the end of the episode, there was a digest of the episode two. However, the next episode is still not available. I realized that Netflix is not released the episode two on purpose to make time for the users to look around other works in the streaming service. If all episodes are available right after being advertised, new users may stop subscription after only watching the Arashi’s documentary programs. However, in order to keep users on Netflix, users need find that other programs are also fun and it is worth to keep using the service. Netflix shoots commercial of the documentary on TV using huge budget. Releasing new episodes little by little is a good marketing method to acquire users. I thought about it after watching the first episode.

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