
Package Delivery Service

Online shopping is becoming more common these days. In the U.S., 90,000 packages are stolen or lost daily in New York City according to a CNBC web article. To prevent “porch pirates” from stealing packages, people, for example, have their package delivered to their work or  held at their local post office for pickup. This reality in the U.S. made me realize how safe Japan is in terms of package delivery. I ordered supplements a few days ago. When I came back home yesterday, there was a notice that a delivery person came to my room to deliver the package. Soon after I found the notice, I called him and told I would go pick up my package at the pickup point tomorrow by myself because I don’t need to wait for him to come to my place and I can pick up my package anytime I want. I know this service is already common in big cities overseas, but the article and my experience made me realize how convenient and safe the delivery service is in Japan.

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